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  Introduction to TEL Pedagogical Design & Pedagogical Patterns

Maria Perifanou, University of Macedonia, Greece
Androulla Athanasiou, Cyprus University of Technology
Elis Kakoulli Constantinou, Cyprus University of Technology
Davinia Hernández-Leo, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Abstract: This chapter will mainly introduce the learner to Pedagogical Approaches in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The chapter contains theory with a special focus on TEL design, learning theories, pedagogy, pedagogical approaches and patterns, as well as self-reflection activities and useful practical tips that can orientate better the learner to reflect and understand the theory.

TEL Design

In this section, you will explore useful TEL design Tools & Instructional design models.

Basic Learning Theories

In this section, you will be looking at some basic learning theories which inform pedagogy and pedagogical patterns, indicating simultaneously how these can be used in a classroom setting.

Selected Prdagogical Approaches and Methods

The different learning theories, in other words the ideas of how people acquire knowledge, that were developed through the years have led to the formulation of different pedagogical approaches and methods. It is useful to see at this stage the differences between an approach and a method. These differences are very well summarised in the table titled Approach Versus Method (Hasa, 2016). According to the table, an approach is the way you approach the practice of teaching and learning whereas a method has to do with the way you act, the way you actually deliver your teaching practice. A pedagogical approach refers to the angle from where you view the teaching and learning process while method refers to the process itself. An approach also refers to the theoretical framework in which pedagogy is contextualized while method has to do with step by step guidelines. And finally, an approach has to be determined before the teaching method, whereas usually a method is determined by the approach.

Learning Design